Thursday, August 23, 2012

Welcome to College Life!

I cannot believe I am now officially a college student! We packed up the mini van and headed up to Beaver Falls, PA where I am now attending Geneva College. As we pulled up to unload my “CRAP” a group of 20+ very loud and over exuberant upper classmen were waiting to greet me and unload my things. I guess you could say from the very start of the day I was overwhelmed, and spent the rest of the day being thrown one thing after another. After hours of packing, crying, saying goodbye, crying, unpacking, crying, and organizing I am finally moved into Clarke Hall! Wahoo! I have met many wonderful, encouraging and joyful people in a little over 24 hours. I think this going to be a great 4 years. I still feel as though I am way too young to be considered a college student, and that I'll be going home in a few days. My roommate and I are so much alike it's almost freaky. We're going to be great partners in crime by the end of this year I can FEEL it. God is going to do some amazing things this year, I can hardly wait! 

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