Thursday, August 23, 2012

A Year Full of Memories

My, has it been a while. What a year this Senior year has been. A year full of love, tears, joy, sadness, heartache, heart break, memories, drama, learning, and taking risks. In May I attended my Senior Prom with one of my best guy friends and had the time of my life. On June 14th I graduated high school with only my mom in the audience to cheer me on. It was incredibly saddening not to have my biggest supporter and hero there (my father) to support me. But had a blast with 2 friends I made while waiting in line to graduate. During senior year I stepped out of my comfort zone, made many new friends, lost some, and discovered who my best and truest friends are. But senior year was not only a year full of trials, but a year full of learning. Finally, I discovered who I am and whom I would like to become. I will be attending Geneva College in the fall as an Elementary Education/ Special Education major. Leaving home to pursue a higher education is beyond exciting, but also scary. I will leave behind dear friends, and family to pursue new memories, dreams, and friends. What a great adventure I am about to embark on!
Mom and I at graduation
Before Prom

During Prom

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