Friday, November 23, 2012

A college freshman... say wha??

It has been a very long time since I last posted. 3 months to be exact! I have almost made it through my first semester as a college student. Can you believe it!? God has been so good. My first week of classes went well (besides dropping a teacher). I was the "ex-homeschooler" who had never been to school before who was almost too excited to go to classes. God has brought many incredible people into my life. I have been blessed with a great room mate who "deals" with literally all my dirty laundry. I am such a messy person... I have been blessed with 2 of the best friends I have ever had who live right across the hall from me. I thank God for them almost daily. I have been accepted into their families as one of their own! They constantly pray for me, with me, encourage and uplift me. God has brought them into my life to show me who true sisters and friends in Christ are! I have such an incredible support system. Not only do I have great girlfriends and second families but I have great guy friends as well! God brought some amazing fellas into my life. He has shown me that there are good and godly men out there. I almost always thought of "good guys" as a fable. I think God has brought them into my life to say "Hey! Don't lose hope, I have a great guy out there for you. GOOD guys DO exist. I haven't forgotten about you." They are a constant reminder to myself not to settle, to keep my standards high, and one day I will find my prince charming! Overall my first semester has been a great one. I still have trouble finding the balance of working and socializing, but there will always be that struggle... right?

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