I tend to have nights where there is so much I am thinking about that I just need to express it all or I might explode... And when that happens; I write.
I finished my sophomore year of college in the beginning of May. I was more than enthusiastic to come home, and see my family. (For sophomore year was the most difficult year I've had to date). So as I came home, I was very emotionally spent. But I came home to discover that the waiver providing funding for the home health care for my father was being revoked. 2 years ago when my dad came home from the hospital after being placed on a ventilator we were placed on a financial waiver that provided the funding for all of dad's care.
Within the last 6 months the government has come to the conclusion that we have no reason to be on the waiver for the waiver is income based, and not based upon needs. We currently make too much money to be on the waiver. The government notified us that we would be required to pay more than $24,000.00 annually for my father's care out of pocket, and we would be taken off the waiver.
My mother went to court, and needless to say, we lost. This could result in our having to possibly declare bankruptcy and other possible outcomes.
Instantly when I heard we were being taken off the waiver I was angry, confused, and depressed. What would happen to my daddy? What would happen the family? .... The only thing I knew was that God would provide
And so he HAS!
As soon as we received our verdict we set up a donation site in order for us to raise funds to keep my daddy at home and taken care of. Within 6 days we had raised $13,016.00 for the care for my dad... And this isn't even the best part yet...
Maybe you've noticed a little thing floating around in the social media world known as the... ALS Ice Bucket Challenge?
I know for myself it took me a couple days to finally check it out. When I did, I discovered that Martha Stewart had poured a bucket of ice water over her head to raise awareness for the disease ALS... As did Jimmy Fallon, and Justin Timberlake and countless other professional athletes and celebrities. I decided to start my own and nominate some of the closest people to me.
Within 5 days, my facebook newsfeed was FULL of the #ALSIceBucketChallenge.
What is the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge?
The Ice Bucket Challenge is when a person dumps a bucket of ice water over their head to raise awareness for ALS, otherwise known as Lou Gerigs Disease. Then, the person nominates atleast 3 people to do the same within 24 hours or they are required to donate $100 to the ALS Association.
For 6 years now I have struggled with the frustration of no one caring or knowing anything about ALS. Everything on tv, and in the papers, and on the internet was all for awareness of cancer. Please do not think that I do not find cancer serious, or unworthy of support or donations. I however have found it difficult that there are many many diseases that pass unknown, that are in HUGE need of funding for research. ALS has no known cause, or cure. Funding for research, and even awareness could change that.
Over the last 6 days I have watched a dream of mine slowly turn into reality. People finally know that ALS exists, & know what it is! Thanks to the Ice Bucket Challenge, the ALSA has received 5 times the amount of donations than they had at this point last year. And thanks to the Ice Bucket Challenge my family personally has received MANY donations for which we couldn't be more thankful.
The whole point of this one big rambling is this; GOD PROVIDES
On Friday evening we had a close friend of the family contact my mother. He wanted to invite dear friends to do a huge ALS ice bucket challenge in honor of my dad. So, he made a facebook event and we spread the word as quickly as possible. In 2 days we had 100 or so people show up to dump freezing ice water over their heads all in support of my daddy. The local newspaper came by, as well as the local news station to do segments on our story.
God has not only continued to provide the funds for my daddy's care, but he has provided beauty within every painful obstacle that ALS has thrown our way.
The view of 100 people we knew well, and even strangers made more of an impact than ever imagined. We are loved. We are loved by an incredible God, and are richly blessed.
I'd like to say we are overcoming ALS... Everyday is a struggle, but everyday Christ is renewing our strength. Everyday it's hard to wake up and watch a loved one succumb to a terrible disease such as ALS, but everyday God provides moments that remind us that it is all for his good. And although ALS has no cure, yet... We are living as though a cure isn't important. My daddy will one day speak, eat, breathe, laugh, and walk again. Wether that be here or in heaven, he will one day be restored, and that's enough for me.
2 Corinthian 4:17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.
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The many people who came to show support today for the ALSIceBucketChallenge |
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